
I'm Hannah. I'm a London (UK) based university chaplaincy worker with a Master's degree in Psychology, ADHD, a minor Starbucks problem, and more animals than a zoo. When I'm not occupied by all of those things, you'll find me here on Medium.

I write about a whole host of topics, mainly within the scope of relationships, wellbeing, self-awareness, and faith/spirituality. You'll also find some poetry and short fiction dotted around too. I've been lucky enough to find community in some really lovely publications, and I highly recommend following Know Thyself, Heal Thyself, The Lark, High-Value Women, and Koinonia for encouraging and uplifting posts from a wide range of talented and insightful authors.

I'm proud to be a member of the Medium Partner Program, as I truly believe in the power of this platform for education, healing and growth. I'd love for you to enjoy the full benefits of membership, including unlimited access to every story on Medium, and if you do decide to join, you can help me out by using my referral link at no extra cost to yourself.

Regardless of whether you choose to become a member or not, you're so welcome in this space and I hope you find something that, at the very least, makes you stop and think, either on my page or in the publications I belong to.

Keep being you - you're doing great.

Hannah x

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never fail." - Lamentations 3:2.